
Wewpet the desire to share news, useful information for pet owners, as well as those who want to own pets, how to best care for their pets. Address: 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85007, United States Email: contact@wewpet.com Website: www.wewpet.com

Timely diagnosis of yellow skin disease in dogs

At the clinic, tell the doctor in detail all the information about the pet, its behavior, the first signs of the disease. Describe in detail the pet's food, if there are potential poisoning options, the medications a family friend should take. Your doctor will need to determine the cause of your jaundice.



An experienced veterinarian will first conduct a screening test to determine the cause. First, general and biochemical blood tests are performed to rule out leptospirosis, other infections, parasites in the blood. In addition, analysis helps determine the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets needed for normal blood clotting. Analyzes can be performed using automated machines. In this case, the exact number of blood cells per unit volume will be calculated.

A biochemical blood test is a group of 10-30 indicators. With their help, it will be possible to evaluate the condition of the liver. Then, diagnostic ultrasound should be performed. According to its results, the jaundice form, the absence / presence of the tumor, the degree of obstruction of the biliary tract will be visible. Computer tomography is also commonly used. It is important to determine the exact location of the damage. Sometimes a liver biopsy or laparoscopy is done.

Biopsy is performed in a number of ways:

Poke crystal needle. Intervention is performed using a small calibration needle attached to the syringe. It is passed through the skin into the liver area. There is a set of organ cells, which is the suction of blood. The biological material is then placed on a special glass base. Using a microscope, a veterinary researcher examines the material. This method is quite quick and least traumatic. However, it has its limitations: take only a few cells. Therefore, a representative liver sample may not be obtained. It also will not be able to look at the cells in their normal relationship to each other.

You can learn more: can dogs eat goldfish

Conventional biopsy. This procedure is the same as before. In this case, however, a large needle is used. During this process, the pet will need general anesthesia. More liver cells can be obtained by biopsy. The sample is stored in formaldehyde and sent to a laboratory. Everything is thoroughly analyzed there. In this case, the doctor will have a chance to examine the cells in their normal relationship to each other. The likelihood of taking abnormal tissue samples is higher if interventions are performed during ultrasound examination.

Surgical biopsy. In this case, the furry friend is under general anesthesia. The animal's abdomen was surgically opened. This allows you to directly view the desired bodies. The surgeon chooses the sites for the biopsy himself. Using a scalpel, part of the internal organs is removed for analysis. This method provides the most reliable sample.

The incubation period for jaundice in animals is 15 to 30 days. It begins with the glossy changes of the eyeballs and other organs. Intensity increases every day. Animals that are weak, sleepy, and do not want to eat will be observed. At the same time, the liver cells increase in size, this organ becomes painful. With the progression of the disease, the symptoms of jaundice disappear fairly quickly, bilirubin returns to normal after 20-25 days.

The cat survived 12 minutes of spinning in the washing machine

A cat has survived miraculously after being accidentally put in a working washing machine for 12 minutes by its owner.


Several weeks after the incident, Ms. Amanda Meredith living in the Sunshine Coast, Queensland (Australia) recently said that she was not completely shocked about the incident that happened to her cat Oscar, according to ABC News.
Mrs. Meredith said she heard cats squeal as her husband went to wash the sheets. However, Mrs. Meredith thought that the sound was coming from the closet so she didn't mind and went outside to dry the clothes. Moments later, she heard the cat chirping again and, in panic, her two-year-old Burmese-like cat was spinning in the front-loading washing machine.
“Poor little cat puck her paw on the glass and looked at me while being spun. What a tragedy, ”said Mrs. Meredith.

It took another 2 minutes for the washing machine to drain and open the door. The lucky cat is still alive and is brought to the vet.
After taking the anti-inflammatory drug, the cat stayed at the vet for 24 hours and slept for a week after returning home.
Veterinarian Dan Capps says this is not uncommon, as cats often go into warm places to lie in the cold season. Mr. Capps recommends that the washing machine be checked thoroughly before washing the laundry.
Meanwhile, Meredith said that her cat Oscar probably used 3 out of 9 of its lives to survive the incident. Still, Mrs. Meredith said her pet seemed fearless as she sat in front of the washing machine and watched it work.

What does dog body language tell us?

Oh, the dog came running to me, what does this mean? Here, you take a plate of rice like this: I want food, right? The dog has its own way of communication. That's not easy for people like us, is it? To try to understand all of the dog's needs or feelings. But yes, I cannot guess. Multiple gestures This includes facial expressions, sometimes allowing us to predict what our dog wants. But it also takes the owner's effort and their long cohabitation to make it more predictable.


What kind of dog is relaxing?

The dog is with us, eating well, sleeping well, in a relaxed mood. A feeling of security, carefree, often characterized by an upright posture, head straight, mouth open, tongue slightly outstretched, legs relaxed, and tail hanging.

What kind of alarm causes the dog to panic?

Buying a new toy for the dog to play with but the first time he saw it, he was a little nervous. What it is But with the puzzled introspection, it will cause it to come in and assess the situation for something dangerous. Or what should I do next? And when the dog is concentrating on it, it will inadvertently act like that. Ears forward, eyes wide, forehead open, mouth close, step one foot forward and peck a toe. The tail is set parallel to the ground.

The fierce dog

Dogs tend to show only this when they feel threatened and want to show dominance. (Mentally) Have you ever noticed even a small chihuahua or pom. Symptoms like this can still appear when it comes to bigger dogs. Even though it looks cuter than great. With that gesture, the ears are forward and open wide. Forehead and nose wrinkles Lightly open mouth, grinning menacingly, leaning forward. The tail, wobbly And the fur of the whole body

An anxious dog

When the dog feels that there is danger to himself he will begin to bow slightly. Ears truncated The forehead is wide open, the nose is wrinkled, slightly ragged, the tail is down, the hair is ruffled up the whole body.

What kind of dog is stressed out?

Well, our dog doesn't just play with it. Stress or laziness Exactly I don't even realize when I'm going to make our dog angry. Or will it be teased by other dogs? Stress can be caused by many things. Both from owner and from other animals The dog usually opens its legs forward and is slightly bent. Ears curled, mouth opened, forehead open and down.

Scared dogs?

Our dog was teased by an older sister. How can I fight? Declare the surrender by lowering your head Raise your front legs slightly, tail down, do not close your eyes or close your eyes. And licked another dog's face

The dog is extremely afraid

Found a big cousin again Today, it seems a bad mood entails and threatens it. Fighting will definitely not exist. You will not be able to escape What do you have to do? Lie on your back on the floor. Avoid eye contact Lower your ears to the ground, close your mouth, and fold your tail over your body.

What is this dog happy about?

Invite your dog out for a run at night The dog looks very happy. Can be seen from upright ears Forehead open Open mouth, tongue sticking out slightly. Lower both front legs slightly. And an erect tail. These symptoms were quite manifest in that time. But we ourselves, the masters, need to have the skill of observing it to discern the differences in everyday behavior. In addition, there are other ways to observe gestures. Dog's Again Regardless of these gestures, we are often seen in the dog's everyday life.


When your dog does not let you easily brush it. And you accidentally pushed it up. Then the dog fell on the ground. That means you are making him "scared" if you do it from time to time. But too often, it can become a dreadful habit in the long run.


The dog at home is a sleepy dog. Yawned all day. Not always Sometimes a dog yawns can help remove the stress caused by you or the atmosphere around it. He himself could be

Too busy

Our puppy is suddenly full of energy and runs wildly, sometimes it means the dog is under stress. And if your attitude is often interspersed with walking and licking your mouth, this indicates that our dog is trying to get out of the stressful situation that arises.

Coma, not moving

Our dog is not going anywhere. Get up and move slowly, licking your mouth, ears, leaning back. This means the dog is in a very stressful state and needs to take it for a walk or do something to relax.

Turned away

When the owner bought the food he thought the dog would like But alas pushed the mischievous boy over to feed him The dog then turned away from his head. I understand that sometimes the dog may not like the food it has bought. But the dog was scared and unhappy because the mischievous boy would come and feed him.

There are other ways to observe our dog. That said, it's just a basic simplicity. When looking at a dog's behavior, however, it requires bond and time with the dog and owner. Once you get to know each other, it's not difficult to live happily together.

Calculation of Average Dog Life

It is essential to know the dog's lifespan and what stage it is in its development. From there, the owner will have a way to take care and adjust the proper nutrition for their pets. It will help extend the life of the dog, and will leave the friend with you for longer.


The correlation between human age and dog age
It has been a long time ago that a dog year equals seven years of a human's age. This means that if we want to calculate the dog's age, we just multiply the number of years by seven. And that opinion is completely incorrect. Dog growth and aging do not work in such proportions. Dogs' aging occurs differently at different stages of their development. It depends on the age as well as different species.

It is widely believed that small dogs tend to live longer than large dogs. But small dogs will mature faster than older dogs in the first few years. A large dog, though in shape, may mature more slowly at first. But when he was 5,6 years old, he was called "old age". And a small dog, until 9 years old, the new physique is called "senior".

How to calculate the life of the dog
Calculate the dog's age using the reference table
According to the reference table, we will calculate the dog's age by multiplying the real number of years by the coefficient. However, this coefficient varies with the age of each dog.

According to the coefficient table above, the 2-year-old living dog will correspond to the 24 years old. And if the dog lives 5 years old, it corresponds to 40 years old. The above calculation is very easy and popular.

Calculate the dog's life span based on the stage of development and physique
Based on the adult's stature, there are 3 categories:

The first is a group of small dogs with a weight less than 9kg.
The second type is a group of medium-sized dogs weighing between 9 kg and 20 kg, respectively.
The third is a group of large dogs with a weight greater than 20 kg.

We can also refer to the diagram below. This is the diagram The Blue Ridge Veterinary Services 2013. It helps us convert the dog's age to the person's age for each of the dog groups mentioned above.

Calculate the dog's lifespan based on the mark on the dog's body
If you adopt a dog without knowing the date of birth and background, you can still determine the dog's age relatively. Based on a number of identifying features on their body that the naked eye can recognize.

Determine the dog's age through the dog's teeth
If you look through the teeth and the special markings on the teeth, you will know the dog's lifespan. The growth of the teeth will help us see and calculate the dog's age. When a dog is born, it has not teething. And after about 4 weeks of age, the dog will grow 28 teeth. The dog begins to have full teeth at about 7 months of age with 42 teeth.

If you see a dog with white, small, pointed teeth, it probably hasn't changed its teeth. So at that time they were less than 4 months old. If you see a dog with white teeth but not equal, big and slightly pregnant, that dog is only about 1 year old. When the dog's teeth are yellow, the dog will be between 1 and 2 years old. And if it's dull, it's about 3 to 5 years old. And if a dog has lost its teeth, of course it will be more than 5 years old. (based on objective factors)

As dogs age, their teeth will become yellow and dull. But this factor is just relative. Because the color of a dog's teeth also depends on how much food the dog is eaten and how to care for the dog's teeth.

Determine the dog's age through skin and muscles
Dogs are a very active breed. So it is easy to recognize the dog's age through muscles. Young dogs will have firm muscles with smooth skin. And of course younger dogs will prefer to be active than older dogs. Older dogs will have less need for exercise. With an older dog, the skin around his mouth will be wrinkled and sagging. And its feathers will be dull. If you look at a dog like that, you can guess whether the dog is young or old.

Note that the determination of the dog's age by skin and muscle does not take into account dogs with skin or pathology. muscle. For example, dogs with dermatitis.

Determine your dog's age by its coat
With the dog's coat it is easy to touch and see. In young dogs, their coat will be smooth, soft, and fluffy. In older dogs, the coat will be harder and more rough. If you look with your eyes, you can see that the coat color of old dogs is more muddy.

Determine the dog's age through the eyes
With young dogs, their eyes will be very bright. Furthermore, the young dog's eyes look very clear, sparkling and in particular there is no rust.

In the last stage of the dog's cancer, he is still helping the kitten to fall to the ground due to lack of energy.

Nine years ago, this Labrador was rescued by the "Animal Emergency Rescue Team", at that time it was covered with tears, also infected with heartworm and hemorrhagic enteritis. .. The staff of the rescue team quickly brought him to the hospital to rescue, after many hardships he finally saved his life!


After more than three months of treatment, he finally recovered ~ After that, this Labrador was named "Afu" and was raised by the whole group until now. In the eyes of the team members, Ah Fu is a "hero dog"! He once donated two bags of 250C.C blood to save puppies with severe anemia and terminal stage of scorch disease (parasitic) ~

Ah Fu, 13 years old, had "bladder cancer" and there are no more days left, but enthusiastic and kind, he still saved baby Mao before he passed away ... One day in May, the When he was walking, Ah Fu passed an intersection and suddenly found something in the grass, rummaging through it for a while, he turned to a kitten!

It's not over yet ~ Ah Fu continues to search in the bushes, rescuing 4 kittens without a mother one after another ... After seeing them all safe, Ah Fu fell to the ground in shock as if calming down and scared. Crew members! Although Ah Fu was given an emergency, it was impossible to save Ah Fu's life ~

Team spokesperson, Ni Jingtai, said impressively: "Afu used to continue his life in a different way ~" Currently, Afu's body has been cremated, and the kittens have settled under the care of team members. After that, they will open the door to adopt and help them. Find a new home!

Ah Fu will always be the hero in our hearts ~

5 types of toys for cats that are guaranteed to be 100% tired of Boss

Cat toys are the only thing that exists, whether or not other things are, doesn't matter. Toys help Boss play around and relieve stress easily.

Here are 5 toys for cats that every time they see them, Boss is extremely excited. Let's explore the blog love dogs and cats offline.


Why need to buy cat toys
As mentioned above, cat toys are not simply an item to entertain cats, they also bring many benefits to the cat's health, especially the spirit. Toys will help your cat release excess energy while strengthening the relationship between people and cats.

Reduce stress and help your cat relax
Cats love to chase and are curious about everything around them. Anything that moves within the eye of a cat is alluring. So if you have cats in a confined space, you should buy toys for them to minimize stress because you can't run around, explore here.

See more: best wet cat food

Cat toys reduce stress and help your cat relax
Maintain hunting skills
The use of cat toys also helps maintain and strengthen the cat's instincts and reflexes when seeing enemies. This is essential because most cats are now raised in apartments, high-rise buildings, so they do not have much contact with rodents, so their instincts are gradually lost.

Strengthen your cat's health
To reduce obesity and inactivity diseases, cats need to be more active. Cat toys are the solution to the problem. Not only play, but also the cat's skeletal muscles develop.

Increasing affection and bonding between SEN and BOSS
Cats are like other pets that need to be loved and petted on a daily basis, and playing together also increases the cat's love for the owner. They embrace and see them as a friend to stick with for a long time.

In addition to toys, you should also pay attention to the appropriate cat litter to keep the play area of ​​the cat clean.

5 exciting cat toys
It is not necessary to buy cat toys, you absolutely can use materials available in the family to create an exciting toy for your Boss.

Toilet paper core
It must be said that Boss has never criticized the toilet paper core, they love this toy and innocently bite and roll with a simple paper core. You can also hang the paper core overhead to challenge your cat's skills. This makes him enjoy it.

Paper bag, shoe box, carton
You may have seen pictures of cats, despite being as fat as pigs, still trying to get into a carton or shoe box. I wonder what these boxes are so special that attracts cats so much. You should try with the pet cat at home to see the Boss's reaction.

Toys for cats
Carton board
I guarantee, up to 99% of them will rush in and mess up this orgasm toy

Toy fishing rods are never bored
Cat fishing rod is made extremely simple with a plastic or wooden stick tied to it with 1-2 smooth feathers or something. The same way as a fishing rod.

Improve your cat's health
Fishing rod
By luring them to jump high, grabbing the prey at the end of the rope will stimulate the cat's ability to move and hunt. This is probably a toy that never gets bored, even cats will spend all day rushing to tear that fishing rod.

You can make a cat fishing rod yourself and you can also buy this cat fishing rod for quite a cheap price at pet stores.

Scratching post - a cat's toy indispensable
Perhaps many cat friends have experienced the feeling, an object was scratched and crushed in the house just because the Boss needed a place to sharpen the nails. The foundation raking post is made up of a cylinder surrounded by a tightly wound stop wire.

If you do not want your furniture to be callused, you should buy the Boss a lovely nail-scratching post so that he can relieve his sadness.

Scratching posts - toys for cats
Simply understand is the place for them to climb and move in the space of the house. In addition to reducing stress, the cat house also helps to improve the cat's health through being active.

Cat tree - toys for cats
The cat tree reduces the incidence of obesity in cats and helps the cat efficiently drain excess energy. Cat trees can also be made by themselves or bought at today's pet store. The price of the Cat Tree is quite high, so not everyone can afford it for a pet cat.

Above are 5 legendary toys for cats, hoping to help you choose one for your beloved Boss.

Dogs are our human's cheapest partner

Dogs are our human's cheapest partner. They are very loyal, with IQ and EQ. Once they have identified you, they will definitely be loyal to you. No, I just saw a Thai news, saying that with a dog squatting here next to a certain highway in Thailand for half a year, rain or shine, every day it will come here, quietly. Waiting for the owner. It was guessed that it might be separated from its owner here. The dogs were squatting on the side of the road, waiting for their owners. After the photos were posted online, they were called the real-life version of the Eight Loyal Dogs, and people were touched by the dogs' loyalty and fed them food. with the announcement that the three wanted to adopt it with poor quality tricks that led to its owner, but most of them were spotted and chased by its high EQ, they were so scared they just ran away. The dogs squatted on the side of the road, waiting for their owners.

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Due to the sheer number of followers, the government officials attempted to use anesthetic to take him away, but as soon as he got close to the dog, he immediately ran into the grass. Today a friend came to work for a guest. She wanted to eat my specialties so she brought her to the upcoming vegetable market. As soon as I got to the vegetable market, I saw a middle-aged sister cherishing her dog, then threw the dog on the leaf of rotten vegetables beside me, I looked very angry, really I have never seen a similar blatant loss of a dog In the middle of the sun, so I stepped forward and stopped her to ask what was going on. Unexpectedly, the older sister even said that this is not her dog, whoever wants it will not care. The possession dog throws it any time it wants?

Very angry, realizing her ferocious face, he did not dare to say anything to bring her, after eating food with his friends, he brought the dog back. She is a cute little milk dog. I don't know why the older sister wanted to throw it away. Maybe it really isn't your dog. My friend mentioned brought me that even if the dog is raised by that girl, it is not low. As a result, think about it, it is very ferocious with humans, it may not have dogs. Does the possessing dog throw it whenever it wants? Very angry even though the dog has been kept at home for a long time, but the dogs watch the house are not too few, so I believe I should still keep them. I cannot give the dog a good life, but I promise to give the dog a stable life. I also hope that everyone who has a dog will wear a terminal, do not leave the dog by person.

Originally a pet dog, named Jackson, tortured in this manner, after being found by reasonable people he was taken to the pet emergency focus. The bullet suddenly fell off but the large part was still on the skin, the whole body with the scar, there was no good place, it was pitiful from a distance. Thinking it was a dalmatian, everyone cried after learning the truth that the scars have different scars on the body, but with the same square, not caused by skin diseases but by humans. No one knows who the perpetrator is. The dog could not stand it and ran away from home. It was discovered wandering aimlessly in the town. The terrifying bodily wounds were easily reminiscent of the dog's previous experiences. .

Thought it was a dalmatian, everyone cried after learning the truth After being brought to the stray dog's focus, the doctor checked its body and found that the dog was not only shot, but also cut its skin. 1 knife square is restrained after firing. The dog is a loyal owner, but allowing the dog to escape from the house can think of how torture to torture. Thinking it was a dalmatian, everyone cried after knowing the truth about the front chest to the hips, back to belly, not with the skin on the dog's body intact, full of holes and injuries. The previous trick was really bad, when the police intervened, the perpetrator was strictly punished, the abuser was not allowed to continue harming small objects, small objects are also life, this behavior is contemptuous. network.

Thought it was a dalmatian, everyone cried after knowing the truth Under the care of the doctor, I hope he will recover soon, whoever hurts him if he gets caught is punished by the police, the police has "banned" it and is not allowed to keep pets for 10 years. Thinking it was a dalmatian, everyone cried after learning the truth that most of the pellets from the dog's body were taken out, and today the dog is a good and strong dog. It is common for people to apply for adoption and I believe that it will not be long before the dog is returned to a new, harmless, pleasant and satisfying new home.